“For people who have gotten behind on their gas bills over the winter, this is the time where their gas gets turned off,” Bender said.
Utility laws forbid companies from shutting off gas during the winter, Bender explained. So when the temperatures rise, customers who are behind on their payments could see their service shut off.
Local residents struggling to make ends meet can benefit from the Nicor Gas Sharing Program.
The Nicor Sharing Program provides one-time annual grants to qualified residential customers, according to the official Nicor website. The program is funded by direct contributions from Nicor Gas’ customers and employees.
The Salvation Army in Freeport is the local administrator for the Nicor sharing program.
Catching Up On Payments
The Nicor Gas Sharing Program has been around for years, Bender said. Still, many residents are unaware that the assistance is available.
“We just want people to know this option is out there,” she said.
Local residents can apply for the sharing program by stopping in at the Salvation Army between 9 a.m. and 3 p.m. on weekdays, Bender said. Applicants must provide proof of income, proof of residence and their current Nicor bill.
The entire process, Bender said, takes only 15 minutes.
Bender believes that the minimal effort is well worth it.
“I think it is very important to try and get caught up before next winter,” she said.
The sharing program, Bender noted, is only available for residents that do not qualify for the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program.