Tuesday, November 16, 2010



• Winter Parking Regulations apply every day of month from December 1 to March 31

• Even days of the month you must park on even-numbered side of street - generally West and North
• Odd days of the month you must park on odd-numbered side of street - generally East and South

• Streets that have designated parking on one side only for an entire city block, shall be exempt

• 8:00 am is the beginning hour for all streets in City (except in the Business District - see below)

• Odd-Even parking does not apply in Business District. Parking in the Business District is not allowed between the hours of 2:00 am and 5:00 am throughout the entire year. Business District is area bounded by Jackson Street, the Pecatonica River, Douglas Street, and Cherry Avenue, excepting the 300 block of West Douglas Street.

• No person shall pile or cause to be piled any snow on avenues, streets, boulevards, alleys, sidewalks or any other City-owned property, except at the direction of the Public Works Director. Further, no person shall pile or cause to be piled any snow to obstruct the vision at any intersection of any street, avenue, boulevard or alley within the City.

For questions, please call City of Freeport City Hall at 815-235-8200;
Freeport Police Department (Non-emergency) at 815-235-8222; or
Street Department at 815-235-8210.